Dads in Distress
‘Dads in Distress’ is a national support group for dads experiencing separation
Support is available by phone 1300 853 437 or in online DIDS peer meetings (
Everything we do is 100% free, male friendly and confidential; everyone you’ll talk with is a volunteer and a peer who’s been through it themselves
Each year, we help thousands of parents deal with the trauma of separation; a major cause of suicide in Australia.
Separating men in particular, make up one of the largest definable groups who take their lives each year. That’s where we focus.
We believe every child deserves the best possible start in life; so we work hard to keep separated dads alive and in their kids lives. Mums too. Parents Beyond Breakup is the registered charity behind front line support service Dads in Distress.
Who this service is for
Dads dealing with the trauma of separation.
Opening Hours
Helpline: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday 10am – 5pm (AEDT)
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Contact our helpline 1300 853 437
helpline@parentsbeyondbreakup.comOnline: Zoom Meetings are held several evenings each week. See website for links to join –
Updated: 11/07/2024
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