Counselling and Support
We offer trauma-informed counselling and support services to southern Tasmanian survivors of sexual violence. We can also support family members, carers, friends of survivors and professionals working with people affected by sexual harm.
Our Redress Support Service (see separate listing) is for those considering applying, or applying to, the National Redress Scheme for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. This service is offered in a number of locations in Tasmania including Hobart and the Southern region, the East Coast, Southern Highlands and Midlands, and North and North-West Tasmania.
SASS counsellors understand that it may be challenging for you to make this step towards recovery. We work in a client-focused and trauma informed way meaning you get to make the decisions about the support you need.
We offer choices along your journey to recovery, including a male or female counsellor, appointment days/times and frequency. Some people only need one or two sessions and others may need many.
The first step is picking up the phone or walking into our service and making a self-referral.
We can help you to:
– explore options;
– talk about your experiences;
– build on your existing coping strategies;
– manage anxiety and trauma-related symptoms (e.g. flashbacks, poor sleep); and develop a safety plan (if needed).
We can also help you to access other services and supports, based on your needs and goals. Our counselling and support services are provided free of charge, and a Mental Health Care Plan is not required.
Who this service is for
Southern Tasmanian survivors of sexual violence. We can also support family members, carers, friends of survivors and professionals working with people affected by sexual harm.
Anyone based in Tasmania who is applying, or considering applying to the National Redress Scheme for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.
Opening Hours
9am-5pm Monday – Friday
For our 24/7 crisis line call 1800 697 877
Accessibility Support
Disability accessible. Where interpretation services are needed we utilise the National Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).
How this service is delivered
Visit our main office in New Town.
Call or visit us online
24 hour crisis response line 1800 697 877.
See our website or contact us for further information. -
We'll come to you (outreach)
We provide a Redress Support Service outreach to Huonville and surrounds, Midlands and Southern Highlands, East Coast, North and North-West Coast.
Updated: 11/07/2024
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