Community Kinship – Baptcare

Community Kinship Values

Consistency | Advocacy | Carer-led | Carer-focused

These values are delivered with a consistent approach state wide. Our program offers needs-based training and helps connect people with supports. We can assist with safety planning and information, communication with birth families where appropriate and referrals to additional supports. We can also offer advocacy and help to navigate the Centrelink, health and education systems.

Individual support

Carers have access to free group activities and individual support. This includes training, respite and help to set up for when a young person come into their care unexpectedly or with little notice. Support is also available when challenges arise in everyday life or where additional support is needed.

Group supports

Meetings are held every fortnight, with guest speakers presenting topics of interest requested by carers to help them in their role. This could be anything – from computer support through to understanding children’s emotions.

There are also regular group functions and outings as well, to build community.

Respite and financial support

We can help you access respite services and financial support for various needs, including setup costs, essential items like school uniforms, technology for education, and school activities such as camps and excursions.

Who this service is for

Grandparents, relatives and non relatives who voluntarily accepted children of family members into their care.

Anyone can refer themselves or someone they know to the service by calling the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line  or call Baptcare Community Kinship Engagement Practitioner.



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

Accessibility Support

Free on street parking

Disabled access

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Groups are held fortnightly during school terms in Launceston and Hobart and monthly in the Huonville region. Contact us for full details.

    Individual support is provided as required.

  • Call or visit us online

    Anyone can refer themselves or someone they know to the service by calling the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line  or call Baptcare Community Kinship Engagement Practitioner.

Community Kinship Program

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Updated: 25/07/2024

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