Community Exchange Network Tasmania

Our community exchange allows you to buy, sell, share, swap, barter and gift your wares. You can help other people or they can help you in lots of different ways by using your own talents.

Be part of a community who value your talents. If you can mow a lawn, offer fresh produce, teach a new skill or offer a service like transport you are well on your way to trading with CENTs.

You can buy goods from others in the community to help you meet your day to day needs. You can also access services that may be out of reach in the normal economy.

It is FREE to register for an account to start with 50 credits which can be exchanged for any service on Simbi — the world’s largest non-profit mutual aid network!

Who this service is for

Anyone wishing to trade outside the monetary economy



Opening Hours

24/7 online

Accessibility Support

Disability ramp and bathroom

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Service delivery online and occasional face to face gatherings

  • Call or visit us online

Updated: 31/07/2024

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