City Mission Op Shops
City Mission Op Shops are your local Op Shop in Southern Tasmania.
City Mission Op Shops provides quality second hand items at affordable prices. Proceeds from the sale of second-hand items in the Op Shops support the work of Hobart City Mission, helping those in our community who need it most.
Shopping with, or donating to City Mission Op Shops is good for the environment, good for your community, and good for you!
City Mission Op Shops provide:
– A place of connection for volunteers, customers and people in difficult times
– Great quality second-hand clothing, furniture and homewares at affordable prices
– A place to recycle and an alternative to fast fashion, reducing waste and your carbon footprint
– A way to support vulnerable people through Hobart City Mission’s programs
We welcome donations of reusable clothing, furniture, bric-a-brac, books, kitchen wear, mattresses and beds that we can recycle and reuse throughout our Mission Op Shops.
Donate instore during opening hours, at our Sorting Warehouse 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday, or arrange a FREE donation collection by calling 0468 709 645
Who this service is for
Opening Hours
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm Saturday at all stores apart from:
Glenorchy and Partridge Nest (CBD) stores
– Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm
Moonah Clothing store
– Monday to Thursday 10am – 5pm, Friday 10:00am – 9:00pm and Saturday 10am – 5pm
Accessibility Support
All stores are wheelchair accessible with parking nearby.
How this service is delivered
See the locations below for locations or visit
Call or visit us online
Contact us, see our website or follow our City Mission Op Shops Facebook & Instagram pages for more information.
To arrange free collection of donations, please call us on 0468 709 645
You can also subscribe to our City MIssion Op Shopw newsletter. Visit the linked website page to sign up.
Updated: 01/09/2022
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