Christian Fellowship together with people with disabilities
How does Crossroads function?
Through the branches:
- each branch is part of the local church congregation who give care and support
- activities at each branch are tailored to meet the needs of the members. In this way each branch develops its own unique character
- programmes cover a wide range of activities – active and quiet games, music, craft, visiting speakers and entertainers, dinners, outings and devotions
- day trips and holiday weekends are organised on a state and branch level.
Who this service is for
People with disabilities
Each branch sets a small cost for meals and/or transport.
State-wide activities are subsidised. (Annual picnic day and Holiday weekend)
Opening Hours
There are two branches in the State.
- North Launceston – meets 3rd Tuesday of each month 6.00 – 8.00 pm
- South Launceston – meets 1st Tuesday of each month 5.30 – 7.30 pm
Accessibility Support
All venues are accessible for people with disabilities.
How this service is delivered
Groups are held monthly at individual branch locations.
Crossroads Brochure
For further information, you can download our brochure here
Download BrochureUpdated: 17/10/2023