Child Friendly Island
The wellbeing and happiness of our children and young people is the responsibility of all community members. It does afterall take an island to raise a child.
Presently FACT is developing the resources to release to the community so that everyone understands how they can contribute to creating the first child friendly state in Australia. You can help make Tasmania a Child Friendly Island by understanding how you can contribute to child and young person wellbeing.
The Child Friendly Island has aligned its wellbeing goals to the Aracy Nest and the Tasmanian Child and Youth Wellbeing Framework. The six domains include:
– Being loved and safe,
– Being healthy,
– Participating,
– Having material basics,
– Learning, and
– Having a positive sense of culture and identify.
If you would like to be a part of creating the Child Friendly Island then please contact FACT to get involved.
How this service is delivered
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 13/07/2021
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