Child and Family Centre – East Devonport
The Child and Family Centre East Devonport is a place for families with children birth to 5 to access a range of services. The purpose of Centre is to improve the health and well-being, education and care of Tasmania’s very young children by supporting parents and enhancing accessibility of services in the local community.
There are a range of early years services available to support the development of children birth to five years such as Child Health and Parenting Services, Launching into Learning programs, playgroups, doctor’s clinic, midwife service as well as a range of training opportunities.
Everyone is welcome to drop in and play, have a coffee and meet friends.
– build on the existing strengths of families and communities and assist in their educational needs.
– increase participation in early years programs such as those offered through Launching into Learning (LIL).
– build community capacity by developing partnerships with parents, carers and the community.
– respond to child and family needs in a seamless and holistic manner.
Who this service is for
For families with children 0-5 years
Opening Hours
Open Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm
Accessibility Support
Near Public Transport; Onsite Parking
How this service is delivered
Visit us at the centre
Call or visit us online
Call us or see our facebook page for latest program information.
Emergency Contact – Parenting Line 1300 808 178
Updated: 13/07/2023
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