Caring for the dying support
Caring for someone nearing end of life is a special and sometimes challenging role. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. Our volunteers and staff are here to support you, and to understand your needs and concerns.
Our volunteers understand the stresses that come with the caring role and are there to support you through. One of the main ways a volunteer can help is to stay with the person you are caring for while you take a break. Volunteers usually visit once a week at negotiated times. Your volunteer will always lend a ‘listening ear’ when you need one and will not advise or judge you in any way.
Who this service is for
Carers who are caring for someone nearing end of life.
Our services are free of charge
Opening Hours
By appointment between 9am and 4 pm – please contact us.
How this service is delivered
We are based in Hobart and provide support services in Southern Tasmania.
Call or visit us online
If you think we can assist you or your family, please contact us.
Updated: 09/01/2024
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