Cancer Support Centres
Professional staff from a range of health backgrounds are available to assist members of the public with any enquiry or support need relating to cancer. Anyone can call into our Centres, no appointment is necessary or ring to speak to staff over the phone.
All our services are delivered at no cost. Our Centres have a range of complementary therapies such as yoga and mindfulness as well as a comprehensive range of evidence based print resources.
To find out more about services available in your local Cancer Support Centre, call us on 1300 65 65 85 or call into a Centre.
You can also download the Cancer Council brochure below.
Who this service is for
Members of the public with any enquiry or support need relating to cancer.
Opening Hours
The Centres are open 9.30 -4.30 pm weekdays.
How this service is delivered
We have centres in the South, North and Northwest.
Call or visit us online
Call us or see the centre’s website for more information.
Cancer Council Brochure
You can download our brochure with more information on how the Cancer Council can help you.
Download BrochureUpdated: 12/12/2023
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