Bright Dorset Project
Bright Dorset is a youth development project that will invest in supporting positive life outcomes for young people (YP) in the rural Dorset area. The project will have a focus on disadvantaged YP and on remote and isolated parts of the municipality. Bright Dorset will focus on building connectedness, confidence, soft skills and access to opportunities with the aim of increasing hopefulness about the future and real-life outcomes for YP. The project will use positive youth participation, positive youth development and asset-based community development models to deliver engagement, skill building and leadership initiatives across Dorset.
- Outreach Youth Programs
- Young Leadership Programs
- Young Women Programs
- School Holiday Activities
Who this service is for
- 12-18-year-old age group, with inclusion of 8-25 years as relevant to individual programs.
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Accessibility Support
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Updated: 24/07/2024
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