Bilton Lodge
If you are over 18, on a low income and need somewhere to live in southern Tasmania, Bilton Lodge may be an option.
The lodge has long term housing for 36 people and offers full board set at 85% of your income, excluding Commonwealth Rent Assistance.
Your rent includes three meals a day, power, a weekly linen service for sheets and towels along with some recreational activities.
You’ll have your own room and there’s a communal lounge, gym, dining room, laundry and outdoor areas.
Who this service is for
People over 18, on a low income that need somewhere to live in southern Tasmania.
If you want to apply for a unit at Bilton Lodge, you’ll need to apply for Social Housing at Housing Connect. If you are eligible, let Housing Connect know you would like to live at Bilton Lodge. After that you’ll be contacted by one of our workers who will talk with you about whether Bilton Lodge will work for you.
Click here for more information about Housing Connect.
Rent is 85% of your income excluding Commonwealth Rent Assistance
How this service is delivered
Bilton Lodge is located in Claremont.
Call or visit us online
Contact us or see our website for more information.
Updated: 16/05/2023
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