Australian Red Cross Delivered Meals
Delivered Meals provides a nutritious two or three course meal direct to your door. Our service is more than just a meal. Our friendly volunteers will also check in on you when they deliver your meals – they stop and say ‘hi’ and check how you’re doing.
Delivered Meals are available on short or long term basis and can be delivered as often as you like each week, Monday to Friday. Under some circumstances, frozen meals can be delivered. Talk to our friendly staff.
Australian Red Cross complies with the Delivered Meals Standards Code of Practice and the Food Safety Act.
Who this service is for
Delivered Meals is available for people of all ages who are unable to prepare meals or shop for themselves.
Eligibility is based on need and referrals are received from health professionals, family, or you can enquire yourself by phone or through My Aged Care.
This service is available through My Aged Care. There is a minimal cost per meal. Find out more by speaking with one of our support officers on 1300 663 291.
Opening Hours
Meals are delivered between 9am and 11am.
How this service is delivered
Meals are delivered by Australian Red Cross volunteers.
Access to staff can be made by ringing 1300 663 291 -
Call or visit us online
You can phone the Delivered Meals Service weekdays on 1300 663 291
We'll come to you (outreach)
We deliver meals to our clients in the North and North West of Tasmania.
Delivered Meals
Updated: 14/12/2023
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