Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Support
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service (TALS) is built upon the awareness of the high number of Aboriginal people in custody and the alarming fact that Aboriginal children are still being removed from their families.
We provide legal services, advice and representation across the state. Our team is made up of experienced lawyers, client service officers from community and dedicated administrative staff.
TALS strives to provide culturally sensitive legal representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We can appear for all criminal, family (including family violence) and some civil matters; with two Tasmanian Offices (Launceston and Hobart) allowing us to service every court in the state.
Who this service is for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
How this service is delivered
We have offices in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.
Call or visit us online
You can call us on our freecall number 1800 595 162 (choose option 1), or contact one of our offices directly.
Updated: 08/02/2023
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